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Jacek Hugo-Bader has been describing the fall of the Soviet Empire for thirty years. The reportages “Febbre bianca” (“White Fever” – transl. M. Borejczuk) and “I Diari della Kolyma” (“The Kolyma Diaries” – transl. M. Vanchetti) have been published in Italy by Keller Editor. For thirteen years he had dreamed of dealing with shamanism-a subject that actually already appears in his reportage along with other aspects of folk religiosity in deep Russia-, but that it intimidated him. “Szamańska choroba” is the most unusual journey of his life that brings us face to face with shamanism in Russia and the need for folk spirituality, which touches on numerous aspects from the most outward to the most difficult to explore. Yet shamanism is also a key to investigating the colonial-type relationships that, in this as in other parts of the world, the dominant culture has imposed on ethnic groups.

Jacek Hugo-Bader was born in Sochaczew in 1957, has a wife, two children, and two dogs. He has been a teacher in a school for troubled children, worked in a grocery store, loaded and unloaded trains, been a weigher in a pork store, a marriage counselor, and managed a distribution company. Since 1991 he has been a reporter for “Gazeta Wyborcza,” Poland’s leading daily newspaper. He has written numerous reportages on the former Soviet Union, Central Asia, China, Tibet and Mongolia and won prestigious awards such as the Grand Press in 1999 and 2003, the Bursztynowego Motyla in 2010 as well as the English Pen Award just with The Kolyma Diaries. Also published by Keller in Italy is “Febbre bianca. Un viaggio nel cuore ghiacciato della Siberia” (transl. M. Borejczuk).



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