Telling about places and people
Reportage and storytelling summer laboratory/meetings
Mount Pasubio
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Geographies is a project focused on the several ways in which you can tell about territories and places, about what they embrace and all the things that cross them: landscapes, cities, rivers, people, memories, animals, nature… A way to face old and new geographies, those of the maps and the impalpable and indefinable ones you cannot put down on paper.
Created in 2016, Geographies offered its first meetings in refuges in 2017.
In 2022 it reached six editions dedicated to reportage, travel, discovery, and reflection on issues of the present.
Geographies will take place around and on a big massif – Mount Pasubio –, situated on the border of Trentino and Veneto region, in a merging of impressive landscapes, natural sceneries and historical remnants. You can move between wide stretches of alpine pasture and green views that all of a sudden will give place to a lunar landscape, a place deeply scarred by memories of the Great War. Here not only one of the most cruel battles of mine of World War I was fought, but Mount Pasubio has been a frontier-mountain between Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Venice Republic and the Kingdom of Italy for several decades.
Here, among paths, mountain huts, alpine pastures a schedule of events will take place. It will be open to small groups, to curious students and people of all ages wishing to use head and legs to follow stories, voices and persons telling them something new that will open their eyes.
Where the mountain is empty, where everything overflowed onto the big industrial and cultural towns of valley bottoms and plains, we would like to discover new geographies through storytelling.
The project consists of a trekking lab in reportage and storytelling. A traveling laboratory in reportage and storytelling combined with a trekking tour through the refuges in Mount Pasubio. During the day people will partake in meetings/workshops with reporters and visiting lecturers, and after that they will move towards the next refuge to meet the next visiting lecturers and have dinner and spend the night there together. In the next morning there will be new meetings and lessons.
There is a cost to participate in the hiking whereas the participation in the individual meetings is free of charge. Those who wish can independently reach the meeting sites and return to the valley once they are finished.
More information in the section REACHING THE PLACES OF THE 2023 MEETINGS IN AUTONOMY.
With the 2022 edition, the GEOGRAPHIES OFF meetings also came to life. These are meetings that take place in urban locations and not in the mountains. In summer 2022 Geographies Off’s guest speaker was today’s most prominent Ukrainian writer Andrei Kurkov, who held meetings in Trento and Mantova.
Telling about places and people
Reportage and storytelling summer laboratory/meetings
It is a project conceived, organized and implemented by Keller editore.
In partnership with «Internazionale» (weekly news and reportage magazine) and with the collaboration of the Pasubio municipalities (Posina, Terragnolo, Trambileno, Vallarsa and Valli del Pasubio).
Per la partecipazione ai singoli incontri non è previsto alcun vincolo. Potete liberamente raggiungere il luogo dell’evento e partecipare. Troverete tutte le informazioni logistiche nella sezione dedicata. Crediamo molto in Geografie sul Pasubio per questo da anni investiamo in questa idea e non poniamo limiti alla partecipazione. L’evento è finanziato da Keller editore. Come potete sostenerlo? Fate pubblicità, partecipate e comprate un libro Keller nella vostra libreria di fiducia o sul nostro sito ( Poi, se vi va, fatecelo sapere perché ci farebbe piacere ringraziarvi.
Per partecipare al trekking che collega tutti gli incontri è necessario iscriversi tramite il form dedicato: ISCRIVITI AL TREKKING. La partecipazione al TREKKING di 4 giorni ha un costo che copre pernottamenti in rifugio, mezza pensione, accompagnamento Guida, partecipazione agli incontri. Scopri di più nella sezione dedicata.